Monday 19 May 2008

Original Wedding Cake Ideas

I was recently helping a couple who are due to get married in July this year. For some reason we got on to talking about their wedding cake.

They are planning to have a tower of cakes now you wouldn't be wrong in thinking perhaps of profiteroles or cupcakes, but no this couple are having a doughnut wedding cake.

Fortunately they live near the Selfridges in Birmingham who sell the most amazing American doughnuts from krispy kreme. They sound totally delicious and because they have to be as fresh as possible the groom intends to pick up the 100 or so doughnuts on the morning of the wedding. The great thing about this brand of doughnut is not only the quality but also the choice of flavours.

So if you are looking for that wedding cake with WOW factor you might consider this.

For more ideas on original wedding cake ideas and designs visit

Thursday 8 May 2008

Finishing Touches To Your Table Decorations

When you are planning your table decorations it is easy to get carried away with planning the large table centrepieces etc. But don't forget to pay attention to the smaller details.

Things like your menu cards if done well can really add style to your table. In the photo you can see the menu cards I have made for my wedding. Not surprisingly we've gone for a flower theme!

It can be really good fun making things like this yourself. But be realistic it takes far more time than you imagine so don't leave it to the last minute. Also only do these things if you enjoy them else it will turn into a bit of a chore.

Saturday 3 May 2008

Vintage Style Table Decorations

The vintage look is very popular with brides right now.

I've been asked by a customer to design some table arrangements that fit in with her vintage look and the rustic style of venue, which is an old barn with open beams.

These pewter buckets will look beautiful when filled with a bouquet of natural garden style flowers and foliage.

Low table arrangements like these can be given away as gifts at the end of the evening.

For more ideas of low centrepieces have a look at

Thursday 1 May 2008

Tropical Wedding Decorations

I've just been asked by a bride to give her some ideas for table decorations that fit in with her wedding theme. She is looking to incorporate here honeymoon to the Caribbean into her wedding flowers.

Tropical wedding flowers are becoming more popular and can be both beautiful and stunning. Your guests will love them as they are not the type of flowers you see everyday unless you live out in the tropics.

The photo here is from where you can find out more information on different types of flowers and arrangement suitable for a tropical wedding theme.